Hiii girls, ok so today is going to be a perfume talk...because I love perfumes and I have like 10? so.. my damn camera just broke =[ and I had to post something...and have to buy a new one and blah blah... So...like I already have many perfumes but I never get enough to buy them, I saw that the Playboy released three NEW fragrances, It's `Play it Spicy(for night) Play it sexy ( for night 2) and Play it Lovely( that is for day) and I just loove Playboy so...I was like: let me try them all!!!...ok fine scents for play it spicy and play it sexy too heavy for day, but when I tried Play it lovely... I let that on my wrist for like 12 hours the perfume was still on my wrist, and I was like daaamn this lasts so looong...and......it smelled very familiar and I was like wooow moment!!!

Why the woow moment? because I was trying and trying to find out what the familiar smell is...and after the hours passed....and passed and suddenly I just yelled: OMG, this smells exactly like Amor Amor from Cacharel!!!
Why I say it? because Amor Amor is one of my favorite perfumes of all time, this is the only perfume that gives me that EXACTLY `cozy` feeling like wearing a very fluffy sweater in the winter in front of a fire place drinking a hot chocolate..now this perfume makes me feel exactly like that. And Playbody Play it lovely smells almost the same, and greaaat I just bought it because Amor Amor is gone this is the perfect dupe for it!!! LOVE IT!!!!